vultures and disclosure

David Maynor and Johnny Cache presented at Black Hat last week about an exploit against wifi drivers in an undisclosed but likely large number of wireless cards and operating systems. This has caused a minor furor amonst, well, pretty much everywhere somewhere.
Some argue that the duo are sellouts because they did not fully disclose who was affected at a “full disclosure” conference. Some argue they were protecting companies. Some take cheap shots at the video-taped demonstration for various reasons (which was done to prevent users from capturing the attack over the air and using it).
Last year Michael Lynn challenged Cisco and even his former employer ISS when he gave his presentation on a big Cisco vulnerability, after Cisco refused to fix it or even acknowledge it for quite some time.
Lynn’s example brought up the age-old argument I see far too often in information security: disclosure. What is proper disclosure? Should it be full disclosure? This year it is back. Should Maynor and Cache have revealed the affected chipsets and vendors so that users could stop using them until a fix was in place?
I don’t think there are any right answers, but the vultures that love to peck and squabble and argue for no real reason are back at it.
Bottomline, if these two found this problem, there are likely other people who have found out and kept it secret or sold it in private. This exploit was probably found via fuzzing of some type, since that is turning up lots of fun stuff lately. And I can only imagine the fun you could have as a spook or criminal with this sort of exploit in your hands and no one knowing about it…