Michael Gorsuch posted this article of a Texas road sign that was changed to display warnings of “ZOMBIES AHEAD!” I really can’t stop giggling about this, so I had to look up some more pics and info here and here.
I think this is hilarious! Although, yes the signs are there for a reason, but if someone sees orange construction equipment ahead and flashing signs, they really should be exercising caution, even if the sign is working, broken, or tampered with. If I saw this on the way to or from work, that would totally make my day.
It annoys me that people think someone “hacked” into this. Almost certainly the control box was not locked and was still using the default password. A bad move, but I’m not surprised considering the people who use these and deploy them state-wide. The last thing you want is to have your technician out on the road and unable to log into or unlock a construction sign. Fine, maybe someone did break a lock and maybe guess a password, but any non-hacker could do that. Next thing I know someone will break a window and rob a house and hackers will be blamed!