removal of links and rss feeds

As Adnan recently realized, I too am finding that I have too many links and news and blogs to read, which steals away my time. I am almost feeling like an analyst, talking and reading, but never actually doing anything. So I’m pruning some more links and RSS feeds. As usual, I’m posting the “death” list here, just so I can reference it again at some other later time.

I was going through this list and removing people and looking at sites, and it makes me kinda sad to remove some links and blogs, especially those to people who might still be around, but don’t post every day (or even week) or might make posts that I’m just not interested in. I got into using computers and stuff by being social online in AOL chat rooms, then later in IRC and forums. This culling of links saddens me because I know all of the authors and I share common interests and I love seeing how they present themselves online; in this sort of second world avatar image. Oh well, life goes on, and I hope it finds them all happy. Of course, with this huge list of outgoing links, someday soon I have a list of incoming links as well. was originally a huge list of white, black, and grey hat links to many other topics and sites. It since has disappeared. Wintermute has also had little to say lately. Dam Kaminsky has excellent tools, presentations, and very creative ideas, but his blog is not the place to read them. He is easily Googled anyway. The guys at Checkmate only update once a month, and if they offer up something useful enough to read, I’m sure I’ll get linked to it from elsewhere. I always hoped guys would come back and keep posting, but not only did they go on hiatus for a year, but their site is now gone.

Adminspotting had a fairly short, but informative life and is no longer updated. I’ve long hoped the author would post his new idea mentioned in the blog, but he has not. Maybe someday. Adminfoo’s provider seems to have had some data recovery/corruption issues which has left this site down a while now. Backups. Reading the linked host’s status page is pretty much a story all IT admins dread: corrupted data and customers getting upset. Oddly, HERT (hacker emergency response team) seems to be down or gone.

Nitesh isn’t around. The Microsoft Security Response Center blog is really not that useful, and when it is, other people link to it for me. Besides, with something as important as that blog could be, they will always be regulated from inside. is an awesome idea, but I suspect everyone who thinks so is just too busy doing other things as well. I’ll link it up if it ever truly opens. Arved has been removed. The Geekpit has been removed. I’m not even sure what Infosec Daily is anymore, but I think it aggregates other sources I already track and doesn’t look very pretty anyway. is not a news site and belongs under tools/resources. Of course, it’s already there! SecurityWonk has disappeared. Also removing SecuritySauce. Nepenthes is a tool, and didn’t belong here anyway. Kaosx has been removed. Jon Ellch’s site was never really meant as a news/blog site anyway.

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