The other day I posted about Unisys and the DHS. After seeing a post from Bejtlich, I see they’re fully wading into it together. Ugh.
While I won’t defend Unisys, I’ll play Devil’s Advocate for just a moment. Was Unisys just providing the systems and process and DHS was meant to actually put things into operation? And I wonder if there were any obstacles imposed by DHS that prevented things like IDS systems being implemented? I know it can be a pain when you’re asked to install ABC onto 45 systems, but half of them keep telling you they’re too busy and to try again next week.
It obviously sounds like Unisys made some really poor decisions, but I’m curious on the extent of them from Unisys and from DHS itself, if any. Thankfully, this is the transparent government and not private companies, so we get to watch the laundry shake violently in the wind.