podcast background tunes

I was organizing some old files and came across one of my favorite 22c3 recordings. Tim Pritlove gave a “talk” called The Realtime Podcast, and I’m amazed I never posted about it. Tim’s talk was a realtime podcast on the topic of podcasting. If you can get your hands on the mp4 recording you’ll much appreciate it over the low res, reduced audio of the linked Google Video version.

One thing I’ve noticed on most (all?) podcasts I’ve listened is they have no background music playing. I find it interesting and somewhat more “focusable” to have the background music that Tim uses. I’d be curious if that would work well for any security podcasters, especially when the levels are controlled.

Tim pimps out DJ L’Embrouille [translated] in his podcast, a DJ who freely releases his electronic mixes. His sound ranges from ambient, minimal electronic to more house types of beats; basically stuff I totally dig. The mix Tim sounds like he is using is 2005 Week 38 (MPIIIRadiomix220905), although the levels are futzed a bit to reduce the heaviness and drop out much of the bass, I’m sure for podcasting purposes.

Drifting off on a tangent, many mixers put their little tags or snippets in the first few minutes of their mixes, and DJ L’Embrouille often does as well. He uses an almost whispered monologue. I have no idea if he came up with it, spoke it, or where it comes from, but it’s an amazing little piece*:

turn on,
tune in and drop out;
you can’t say that;
what I am saying,
happens to be,
the oldest method,
of human wisdom;
look within,
find your own divinity,
detach yourself,
from social and material struggle;
turn on,
tune in and drop out

* In doing just a bit more research, I think this piece is a reference if not an audio sample from somewhere of Timothy Leary who coined the phrase “turn on, tune in, drop out.”

One thought on “podcast background tunes

  1. Thanks for the review. The can find the recording here: http://chaosradio.ccc.de/22c3_m4v_1147.html
    I have been a bit unhappy with the “talk” as I made the mistake of letting the audio crew put a compressor on my headphones which limited my ability to fine tune the overall loudness of the background music (which I think was too loud in general).
    However, after having experimenting with background music in podcasts, I stopped doing it for a variety of reasons. It is difficult to find suitable mixes that don’t spike too much and provide the overall atmosphere for the time of your podcast (especially longer ones). Also, unless the recording is well-leveled, background music can disturb listening to podcasts in trains and other loud environments.
    But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experiment. Your mileage may vary.

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