Continuing my wiki cleanup is this list of LiveCDs with a security twist. Some of these are evolved (Auditor) while some are simply gone (Phlack). I even missed adding a few from earlier this year (Russix, Deft…)
KnoppixSTDM is a Knoppix Security distribution. Sadly, it came out as version 0.1 and remains at that level. Knoppix has tons of documentation and tutorials, including this little bit on [ mounting a Windows disk and doing some forensics].
BackTrack is probably the most solid and most-maintained security-based live cd around right now. Extensive support for wireless and a very solid, matured distribution. This distro really has pretty much moved into the lead of security livecds, if there is such a thing.
DamnVulnerableLinux (DVL) is a very vulnerable live cd and local installation distro that is designed to teach about security and insecurity through tutorials and providing an insecure Linux installation. Really sounds like a cool idea and on par with something ike WebGOAT or the Foundstone Hackme series of exercises.
Helix is a currently maintained livecd with a forensics focus to it.
Trinity Rescue Kit is also a forensics-based livecd.
Pentoo is a Gentoo-based livecd for penetration testing and security.
nUbuntu is an Ubuntu-based livecd. While not necessarily of a security focus, it is still a solid distro. The live-cd version can also be installed locally.
Auditor has been succeeded by BackTrack, but is still a highly documented auditing and security livecd.
Nullbound looks like an in-line Snort/IDS implementation in a livecd.
OWASP Live CD Project has not really kicked off yet, but I’m hoping they are able to put something out.
Ultimate Windows Boot CD is not really a livecd in the strictest sense, but it is as close as it gets for Windows.
Phlack is another of the “original” few security livecds from a number of years back. Development has stalled, but may still get going on version 0.4.
SecureDVD is a full DVD loaded with 10 security livecd distros. This hasn’t really been maintained, but is an excellent source and reference for some other livecd distros.
Slax is a Slackware-based livecd.