I’m sure you’ve heard about the hacked climate emails. Think about it for a moment. This could be a very public incident that sparks new thinking on the value of hacking. There is value, and it’s not just in stealing money directly from bank accounts, but rather in more niche situations. Go to a climate conference, sniff the wireless networks, harvest and sell or release for personal gains.
Which also makes you wonder where WikiLeaks came across the 9/11 text messages also recently released… Were they stored somewhere that got hacked, or did someone pick them up while eavesdropping on cell transmissions?
There is no indication of any kind whatsoever that it was in fact a “hack.” Just because the notoriously brain-dead media jumps to that baseless conclusion does not make it so.
The CRU material was selected, organized, and edited (e.g., see “References” at the bottom of every email file) and was contained is a zip file named “FOIA2009.zip.”
Also see this detailed forensic analysis of the emails in the zip file:
Bottom line is that any conclusion around the CRU data being “hacked” is as implausible as climate change being a “settled science.” Which demonstrably it is not.
Good point, and certainly not something I can refute. However, I still do envision a near-term future where hacking is exposed a bit more as a valuable corporate espionage tool. I harbor no beliefs that it is not already done quite commonly, but so far it has been largely secret (pretexting notwithstanding).