In case anyone missed it, Brian Krebs (just formerly from the Washington Post’s Security Fix blog) has his own blog opened up that is well worth the bookmark. Krebs’ blog on the Post site has long been one of the few truly useful “mainstream” outlets for security news that I keep in my RSS feeds. In reading his latest posts, I’m excited for his new venue, especially that he is his own editor now, and we don’t only get the cream of the crop as far as news stories, but also the difficult-to-explain-in-a-mainstream-site issues.
In short, we need people like Krebs who can sit quite comfortably between three parties: the technical geeks, the business people who may either act as his sources or his subjects, and the people who make up the journalism entity. By that last part, I mean he knows the ropes about what he can and cannot write, has demonstrated journalistic integrity, and has contacts and knowledge of the laws and protections he may enjoy. We don’t have all that many people like him in the security “blogosphere.”