Swa Frantzen (ISC) has a great discussion of recent DigiNotar drama going on. I do take minor exception to this statement:
I for one would love to know who that external auditor was that missed defaced pages on a CA’s portal, that missed at least one issued fraudulent certificate to an entity that’s not a customer, and what other CAs and/or RAs they audit as those would all loose my trust to some varying degree. This is not intended to publicly humiliate the auditor, but much more a matter of getting confidence back into the system. So a compromise that an unnamed auditor working for well known audit company X is now not an auditor anymore due to this incident is maybe a good start.
I totally understand this sentiment, and actually do agree with it. But we do have to be careful that we don’t set every single security auditor/expert up for failure, where one mistake causes the hammer to drop. (Speaking of elephants in rooms, the seeking or assumption of perfection is a ‘subtle’ one…)
Granted, repeatedly missing defaced pages hits the facepalm category, but I think this oversight (from tripwires on attacks to page inventory reviews to edit/ownership times to web app sec checks, etc) can happen to literally every organization if they’re not rigorous in their testing, though it still comes down to knowing what is valuable in the eyes of a threat, and being extra careful around those processes (i.e. issuing a trusted certificate!).
Sitting back and pondering this scenario while nursing some scotch illustrates all sorts of things that are wrong with the security mindset in our world, ya know? Maybe “wrong” is a bad word for it, but rather the challenges we face and will eternally face, as a function of reality.