doing infosec right from shmoocon

“The reality is that there’s a lot of fame in doing one little tiny thing [as a security offense researcher] and somehow being a hero for it. There’s not a lot of fame in slogging through the shit, day in, day out, and *not* making the news. And when you’re a defender, the goal is to not make the news.”Myrcurial, Shmoocon 2012.

This quote comes from a great presentation called Doing InfoSec Right from Shmooncon 2012, which itself is chock full of truths. Call me a fanboy, but in my catching up on videos/presos this past month, I’ve caught several talks including James Arlen, and I gotta say the man rocks. (I was already a Potter fan, so I don’t need to declare that.)

Doing InfoSec Right Pt 1 and Doing InfoSec Right Pt 2

Here are some bullet points that are whole-evening discussions in themselves:

– It’s hard to get experience in defense, and the tools lag behind. This topic is important, but it should be prefaced with some role definitions. There is a place for offensive-minded security defenders, but also you should have admins and developers and QA who are admins first but are baking security in (or the service desk guys). These two general roles can easily be separate lives. This came up later as red team guys and blue team guys.

– Lack of innovation in defense. While I broadly agree with this, it’s hard to agree too much when there are no ideas on what constitutes innovation. *What* should we be innovating? I might even buy that we *don’t* need innovation, we just need more emphasis on security and better efficiencies (which modern mega-suite tools fail with).

– Lack of sharing in defense / lack of cons and presentations with defense.

– We have all these awesome tools, but no one knows how to use them right, nor has the time.

– knowledge of analysts vs the knowledge of the tools. This should be a bigger discussion because I could argue either way. We do need bigger tools, but I also believe we need the talent to fill in the cracks and be able to play with the packets when they need to.

– The people with heavy experience are the ones who are “above” the roles that are in the trenches. This also feeds into the smarter tools/dumber analysts discussion.

– The burning pain behind you.

– Offensive side is very good at sharing; defensive is not.

– Junkyard Wars analogy for defensive guys: time boundaries and limited things. I think this is an interesting analogy to inject into the above bullet about better tools and using them better and stuff. Or better yet, about having smart tools so we can have dumber analysts.

– Forensics vs defense. I just wanted to plop this down, since this is an interesting discussion point that was brought up twice quite briefly.

– No evidence of what works or doesn’t work.

I think there is distance that can be had by injecting the idea that business, IT, and thus security is infinitely varied across all the orgs, businesses, and people out there. This might help explain why our solutions aren’t as sexy as attacks against system A, etc. Things like patching may or may not work, but it certainly doesn’t work for those who got pwned due to a lack of a patch. It’s too late to make that point more succinctly and understandably…