It’s interesting to get by blog back up and read some of my last posts and orphaned drafts. Honestly, 2014 was pretty rough for me for a few reasons, which contributed to my blog just staying down.
I was really busy at work with some large projects and lack of staff to help out. In 2013, both Google Reader and Twitter decided to make life more difficult. I still haven’t completely moved Feedly into my regular list of habits to replace Google Reader, and I still bounce a bit between Twitter apps once Twitter started turning away all the third-party ones. I have, however, made room for Reddit…
I also was finding it difficult to say anything new about security on my blog. I was sort of getting sick of the same old thing, as well as just posting links to the same things others were posting about it. It’s a lot like retweeting a tweet that has already been retweeted 24 times in your own feed. What’s the point? But I was also just not having much new to say.
And then in early 2014, my blog’s server’s motherboard died out.
On a brighter side, I had some nice promotions at work due to the efforts, cultivated a new hobby/habit with tabletop gaming with friends, and found good companionship. And now have the chance to pursue security as a full time job.
This storm basically just led to me doing other things with my own time. Until now. 🙂