getting into and growing inside the infosec industry

A revival of sorts on content from BHIS on getting into the Infosec industry, including A Career in Information Security FAQ Part 1. Pretty good stuff! But this section really stuck out to me:

The customer service, tech support, help desk, etc., these jobs are crucial to forming a solid background in computer science. Learn how to solve problems effectively. Learn how to discern between useful web search results and wastes of time. Employers don’t want to hire you for what you know. I generally believe that anyone (some computer background) can be trained to accomplish digital tasks. I can’t train you to manage your time well. We can’t train people to be nice, treat others like human beings, or to be steady under pressure. And truly, those are the skills that will put you at the front of the line. It worked for me and everyone else at BHIS too.

I would include other skills such as asking questions, being curious, being tenacious, looking at ways to break and fix things, and having a quick mind to solve puzzles.

And to be honest, that whole post is a wonderful bit of encouragement and advice for anyone to read, newbie or jaded veteran. Things like, “That motto is ‘Fail Fast, Fail Often, and Fail Forward’. When you are working on solving a problem spend more time failing and less time analyzing the problem from a distance,” and “One of the most critical skills in information security is the ability to go off script.” That’s gold right there, alone!

Addendum: I do want to point out the question towards the bottom of the post about the biggest hurdles in first getting started. And it might be obvious, but it bears constantly repeating that the two biggest items are 1) experience, and 2) imposter syndrome symptoms. The former is just something you get past after a few years of work. The second is a lifelong personality and internal compass issue where we just have to come to terms with the scope of infosec and how no person can begin to swallow that whole ocean. Learn what you can, balance your life, fail fast, move forward, get better, succeed.

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