top ten strategies of world-class socs

I find it crazy that I’ve not seen this before, but I got linked today over to the MITRE Ten Strategies of a World-Class Cybersecurity Operations Center free book (pdf). Holy crap this is awesome. The rather large first section talks about building a SOC and the various considerations that go into it. And then the top 10 strategies build on that foundation to further guide the growth of the SOC.

Every section has wonderful nuggets of truth like this one in strategy #5 (Favor staff qualify over quantity):

Analysts must be free to analyze. It is indeed true that Tier 1 analysts have more structure in their daily routine for how they find and escalate potential intrusions. However, those in upper tiers must spend a lot of their time finding activities that just “don’t look right” and figuring out what they really are and what to do about them. Overburdening analysts with process and procedure will extinguish their ability to identify and evaluate the most damaging intrusions.

Honestly, this might be my second favorite technical book, up there with The Practice of System and Network Administration (Limoncelli).

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