(note: I will be removing these as I read them.) update: I’ve decided not to remove some, as they as “classics” and I’d like to keep the link for my future possible reference
This GIAC practical paper is a massive look at the firewall stance of a fictitious company’s complicated network. Very detailed paper and I really look forward to reading it someday soon.
A paper on discovering wireless discovery tools like Stumbler.
A paper on detecting wireless lan mac spoofing. A bit dated, but still a nice little bit of knowledge to have when looking into wireless forensics and traffic.
A fictional Red Team Assessment paper. This paper is a practical for a GIAC certification. Interestingly enough, it is actually a response/engagement to a previous GIAC practical paper submitted by another certifyee.
A short paper from Joatblog on fingerprinting, but also contains a nice list of resource links at the bottom.
And this is why you block ICMP (or at least monitor it closely): ICMP tunneling. This is a vein of project I’ve been wanting to do for some time now, along with an SSH tunnel that I can set up from anywhere and use things like an wireless hotspot and still maintain a good measure of privacy.
A paper on how to install a secure Linux web/mail/dns server. Requires .pdf viewer.
Part 1 of a series of papers on Linux Security. Tons of links to other resources at the bottom.
NSA’s 60-Minute Network Security Guide. A nice little overview type of read that covers as much as some network security books cover. Nice little inspiration and start to getting into a mindset.
An article on understanding tcp reset attacks. Have yet to read this one.
Univeristy of Washington course on modern cryptography has been placed online. Might be some good material to read on a rainy day.