2008 winter scripting games

The Winter Scripting Games 2008 are right around the corner, starting February 15. Last year, these “games” gave me the kick in the pants to try out Microsoft’s PowerShell scripting, and I must say it might be one of the better skills I acquired through last year; something I could use both at home and at work.

I plan to participate again this year in the PowerShell division(s), but I see they are also including Perl in the games this year. I think I will try to put the most effort into the Perl section since I’m horribly rusty with it.

So check it out, give them a try, and pencil in those dates to save some evenings for devoting some time to the challenges.

One thought on “2008 winter scripting games

  1. I thought I might also give Perl a go this yeart. I am a VBscripter and was very new to PowerShell last year but managed to get 100% in Powershell advanced but embarassingly only managed 95% in VBscript advanced. Once you have worked out the flow of your solution it mostly converts to the script in each language – the HTA in VBscript was very different as everything was centric to the HTML controls. Is there time to write 30 scripts in the time I wonder. Anyway good luck – see you in the Profiles in Perfection perhaps? Mine comes up on the 5th / 6th February, depending on your timezone.

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